“Process Design of Plankton: Innovative Float Technology”

The float is one of the indispensable equipment for fishing. It consists of floating objects and fishing line, mainly used to detect the movement of fish, judge the location of the fish. Fish float in a variety of types and shapes, there are round, oval, strip and so on. When fishing, the correct use of the float can improve the efficiency of fishing and increase the fun of fishing.

First, the purpose of the float is to detect the movement of the fish. When a fish is on the hook, the buoy signals the fisherman that a fish is on the hook. This is the most important step in fishing because it is only by knowing where the fish are that proper measures can be taken, such as adjusting the Angle of the rod, tightening the line, etc., to better catch the fish. Therefore, the use of fishing floats can improve the success rate and efficiency of fishing.

 Secondly, the type and shape of the drift also affect the fishing effect. Different floats are suitable for different fishing occasions and different species of fish. For example, a round float is good for fishing in still water, while a long float is good for fishing in running water.

Finally, using float fish correctly requires some skill. First, anglers need to choose the right float and line to ensure that the float floats smoothly on the water. Secondly, anglers need to adjust the depth and position of the drift according to fishing conditions and the type of fish. If the drift is too deep or too shallow, fishing will suffer. Finally, anglers need to pay attention to changes in drift, adjust the Angle of the rod and tighten the line in time to get a better catch.

In a word, fish floats play an important role in fishing. The correct use of drift can improve the efficiency and success rate of fishing and increase the fun of fishing. However, fishing also needs to pay attention to the protection of the environment, do not litter and overfishing, in order to protect the ecological environment of aquatic life.IMG_8219IMG_8225

Post time: Mar-22-2023